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Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

Consumed and Pecel

LalapLalap was normal vegetables was presented along with Indonesian cooking. Consumed resembled salad, that often was encountered in west food, nevertheless typical for consumed was that vegetables consumed was not eaten with sauce (dressing) or spices. Consumed normally was eaten with rice and the other side dish (the fried chicken, the fried fish, chilli sauce, et cetera). Normal vegetables were used including lettuce, long peanuts, the cucumber, tomatoes, the pawpaws leaves, the cassava leaves and kemangi. These vegetables are usually served in the raw situation or for vegetables as the cassava leaves and the pawpaws leaves were beforehand boiled before. Because of consisting of many vegetables that were not yet cooked, consumed often contained fibre that was good for the digestion.
PecelPecel was typical food of the City Madiun East Java Indonesia that was made from rebusan vegetables took the form of the spinach, the bean sprouts, long peanuts, kemangi, the leaves turi, krai (a kind of cucumber) or other vegetables that were served by being poured chilli sauce pecel. The concept of the serving pecel had the resemblance with salad for Europeans, namely luxuriant vegetables that were watered topping mayonaise. Only to pecel topping him chilli sauce pecel. The main material from chilli sauce pecel was peanuts and the small chilli that were mixt with the other material like the rough-skinned citrus fruit leaves, the onion, the tamarind, pepper and salt. Pecel often also was presented with rempeyek peanuts, rempeyek prawns or the slab of the rice. Moreover pecel also usually was presented with warm steamed rice was increased chicken or jerohan. The method of presentation could in the plate or in the leaves that were folded that was mentioned pincuk. This cooking was similar with gado-gado, although having the difference in materials that were used. The feeling pecel that was hot stang became the typical characteristics of this cooking.
The name pecel had the different meaning in the Slawi area, Tegal, Central Java. Pecel was not presented in the form of vegetables, but have the shape of rujak. Pecel the version of the Slawi area consisted of the fresh fruit like jambu, pineapples, pawpaws, and mangoes as well as was poured with thick palm sugar sauce.

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