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Jumat, 18 Juli 2008


Kunir or turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn. syn. Curcuma domestica Val. ) including one of the spices crops and original medicine from the South-East Asian territory. This crop afterwards experienced the spread to the area of Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia even Africa. Almost anyone of Indonesia and India as well as the Asian nation generally.Had consumed this spices crop, good as accessories of the cooking spice, the herbal tonic or to maintain the health and beauty. turmeric was normal spices was used in cooking in Asian countries. Turmeric was often used in cooking of a kind of curry, but also was used to give the yellow colour in cooking. The pharmacy product had standard material turmeric, could compete with various patent medicine, for example for the inflammation of the foundation (arthritis- rheumatoid) or osteo-arthritis had active material natrium deklofenak, piroksikam, and fenil butason with the relatively expensive price or the supplement to food (vitamins-plus) in the form of the capsule. The manufactured item product from the turmeric extract took the form of the supplement to food in the form of the capsule (vitamins-plus) the market and his industry have developed. The supplement to food was made from the raw material of the turmeric extract with the vitamins additive B1, B2, B6, B12, vitamin E, Lesitin, Amprotab, Mg-stearat, Nepagin and Kolidon 90. The use: The roots of the root that was more than one year old were used as medicine (the roots of the root was cool down, cleaned, influenced the stomach part Especially in the side, stimulating, released the gas surplus on the intestines, stopped the bleeding and prevented blood clotting) apart from same was used as the material in cooking. Turmeric was also used as medicine anti itchy and anti cramps as well as reduced the swelling of the mouth mucous membrane. Turmeric was consumed in the form of distillation that was acknowledged as the filtrate, also was drunk as the extract or diguna as ointment to treat bengkak.Kunyit also berkhasiat to cure the nose that tersumbat, his method by burning turmeric and menghirupnya Turmeric be classed as in the group ginger-jahean, Zingiberaceae.

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