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Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

Tribe Betawi

Tribe Betawi
Tribe Betawi indigenous to result kawin-mawin antaretnis and nation in the past. In biologis, those in confess as a Betawi is mixed blooded clan clan multifarious tribe and nation that delivered by the Netherlands to Batavia. What are called with people or Suku Betawi are actually counted/calculated new comer in Jakarta. This ethnical Group borns from solidarity [of] various of ethnical groups other that have in advance lived in Jakarta, like Sundanese, Java, Arab, Bali, Sumbawa, Ambon, Malay and Tionghoa.
Term Betawi
Betawi are used to state genuiness tribe that dwell Jakarta and creol Malay [language] that the of, and also culture Melayunya. Betawi actually from the word "Batavia," that is Jakarta ancient name that given by the Netherlands.
Diawali by Sundanese (majority), before 16-th centuries and come into Kerajaan Tarumanegara and later, Pakuan Pajajaran. Besides Sundanese, there is also merchant and seaman foreign from north coastal area Java, from various of East island Indonesias, from Malaka in peninsula Malaya, even from China and Gujarat in India.
Antropolog Indonesia University, Dr. Yasmine Zaki Shahab, MA predicts, ethnical Betawi just are formed about/around a century last, between in 1815-1893. This Estimate is based to the study of resident demography history Jakarta that blazed the way Australian historian, Lance Castle. In colonial era the Netherlands, government always conducts census, that made base nation or group ethnical its. In data of resident census Jakarta in 1615 and 1815, there is a resident of various of ethnical groups, but there is no note hits Betawi ethnical group.
Bugis House on the north Street of Mangga Dua in kampong area Bugis that started in 1690. In the beginning of century 20th this has been existed some houses like this in area Kota. Census Result in 1893 show loss of a number of previous ethnical groups. For example just Arabian and Moor, Javanese and Sunda, people South Sulawesi, people Sumbawa, people Ambon and Banda, and Malayan.
Tribe Betawi
In 1930, people category previous Betawi there is never exactly emerge as [the] new category in data of year census referred [as]. People Amount Betawi 778.953 souls and become resident majority Batavia at that time.
Antropolog Indonesia University other, Prof Dr Parsudi Suparlan state, awareness as a Betawi in the beginning of that ethnical group forming also have not yet mengakar. In everyday assocciation, they a more regular mentions it-self bases lokalitas their residence, like people Kemayoran, people Senen, or people Rawabelong.
Confession to existence of people Betawi as a ethnical group and as set of social and political in scope broader, namely Netherlands Indies, just emerge in 1923, moment Husni Thamrin, elite figure Betawi founds Perkoempoelan Kaoem Betawi. New at that time also all and sundry Betawi realizes them is a group, namely people group Betawi.
Ada also that have a notion that people Betawi not only cover mixture society in fortress Batavia that built by the Netherlands but also cover resident outside fortress is referred [as] so-called Betawi proto society. Local Resident outside fortress Batavia is referred [as] has used Malay [language], used occasionally in Sumatera, be next made as [the] national language. This condition happens because at sixth century, empire Sriwijaya attacks empire center Tarumanagara that located in north Jakarta until Malay [language] influence very strong here.
In other hand, agreement between Surawisesa (king Kerajaan Sunda) with portuguese in 1512 that enable Portugis to develop a community in Kalapa Sunda results mixed marriage between local resident and portuguese that degrade mixed blood Portugis. From this community born music keroncong music.
Characteristic of muddle in dialect Betawi is reflection from culture Betawi in general, that is marriage [of] result many culture, both for indigenous to other area in Nusantara or foreign culture.
Ada also that have a notion that tribe that inhabit area of around Batavia is also grouped as [the] tribe Betawi early (proto Betawi). According to history, Empire Tarumanagara, that in Sundapura or Kalapa Sunda, ever attacked and conquered by empire Sriwijaya from Sumatera. In consequence,, no wonder if ethnical Sunda in Sunda port Kalapa, far before Sumpah Pemuda, has used Malay [language], used occasionally in Sumatera, be next made as [the] national language.
Because language difference that used [by] referred [as] then in the beginning of 20th-century, The Netherlands assumes one who live ins about/around Batavia as ethnical different with ethnical Sunda and call it as ethnical Betawi (word born of Batavia). Although during, still much area name and names river that still defended in Sundanese [language] like the saying of Ancol, Pancoran, Cilandak, Ciliwung, Cideng (that indigenous to Cihideung and then turn into Cideung and tearkhir becomes Cideng), and others that still in accordance with naming that depicted in codex Bujangga Manik[1] that at this time kept in library Bodleian, Oxford, UK.
Though formal language that used [by] in Jakarta is Indonesian [language], informal language or everyday parlance is dialect Indonesian [language] Betawi.
In the field of artistry, for example, people Betawi have art Gambang Kromong that indigenous to music art Tionghoa, but also there is Rebana that take root at music tradition Arab, Music keroncong Tugu with background Portugis-Arab,and Tanjidor that belanda-anth berlatarbelakang. At this time Suku Betawi are recognized with art Lenong, Gambang Kromong, Rebana Tanjidor and Keroncong.
Characteristic of muddle in dialect Betawi is reflection from culture Betawi in general, that is marriage [of] result many culture, both for indigenous to other area in Nusantara or foreign culture. In the field of artistry, for example, people Betawi have art Gambang Kromong that indigenous to art of China music, but also there is Rebana that take root at music tradition Arab, Music keroncong Tugu with background Portugis-Arab,and Tanjidor that belanda-anth berlatarbelakang.
In biologis, those in confess as a Betawi is mixed blooded clan clan multifarious tribe and nation. They is result kawin-mawin antaretnis and nation in the past.

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